Table of Contents
ToggleEmpanelment of Chartered Accountants
Empanelment of Chartered Accountants in India for banks or branches refers to the process of selecting qualified Chartered Accountants or firms to provide audit and consulting services to banks or their branches. Empanelment is typically conducted through a request for proposal (RFP) process, where interested Chartered Accountants or firms submit their proposals, and the bank selects the most qualified candidate(s) based on predetermined criteria. Empanelment criteria typically include factors such as relevant experience in banking sector audits, professional qualifications, minimum work experience, language proficiency, and other applicable terms and conditions. The empanelment process is critical in ensuring the quality and integrity of financial reporting and compliance for banks, and is an important part of maintaining transparency and accountability in India’s banking system.
Audit related works of The Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Ltd.
The Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra invites the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of a Panel for Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company on Bank’s Panel to purpose of:
i) Tax Audit
ii) Filing of Income Tax Return (No Appliation Fee)
iii) Income Tax Consultant
iv) GST Consultant for Monthly / Annual Returns filing & GST Audit and
consultancy in GST matters
Fees (non refundable) for making Application : Rs.2360 (Inclusive of GST) to in NEFT Current Account No. 0002116900000019 (IFS Code – MSCI0082002. Title of Account “CPID TENDER FEE” between 10 February, 2023 to 03 March, 2023.
Eligibility Criteria:
5.1 For Part 1 : Tax Audit, Part 2 : Filing of Income Tax Return, For Part 3 : Income
Tax Consultant & For Part 4 : GST Consultant for Monthly / Annual Returns filing & GST Audit and consultancy in GST matters :
5.1.1 The Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should be a registered under ICAI
Act, 1949.
5.1.2 The Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should have minimum work
experience of 15 years.
5.1.3 The Firm / Company shall have a minimum 5 Chartered Accountant / Partners
of which at least one FCA & 2 CA is fulltime.
5.1.4 At least one Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should have minimum
continuous association with the firm at least for 15 years.
5.1.5 The full-time Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should not be a partner in any other firm/s.
5.1.6 The Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should have audit experience in
Banking sector.
5.1.7 The Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should not have been earlier
disqualified for Audit work by any ICAI.
5.1.8 Priority for Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Nanded, Aurangabad
based Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should be given for selection of
5.1.9 The CA / Firm /Staff should have knowledge of Marathi language.
5.1.10 The Chartered Accountant / Firm / Company should have audit experience of
Banking Sector with Deposit resources of not less than ₹ 500 crore.
5.1.11 GST Consultant need to be registered on the GSTN Portal and should also
possess a certification of a GST practitioner before starting his / her practice.
5.1.12 It is necessary that GST Consultant be registered with the Central / State
5.1.13 He must be registered or authorized by the GST Portal and GST Network
(GSTN) to practice and provide GST compliance related services.
5.1.14 The eligibility criteria will be applicable as per scope of work.
5.1.15 Any other terms and conditions of the assignment as decided by the Bank from
time to time.
Tax Consultant in respect of Debt Securities issued by HUDCO
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO) proposes to appoint a Tax Consultant in respect of Debt Securities.
Tenure : 1 year from the date of appointment (extendable for additional 2 years subject to fee/terms of assignment continuing to remain the same and satisfactory performance of the firm)
Last date to file bid: 09 March 2023
Contact Details:
Address : New Delhi, Delhi
Phone : 9810294430
Email : [email protected]
Eligibility Criteria:
- 1. CA/CMA firm standing should be for a minimum period of 10 Years..(to be counted from the date partnership firm came into being).
- 2. The CA/CMA Firm should have a turnover of over Rs. 50 lacs p.a. as on
31.03.2022 as per audited accounts. - 3. The CA/CMA Firm should be a partnership firm having minimum number
of partners to be 5 out of which 2 partners should have minimum 10 years’
experience. - 4. The CA/CMA firm should have handled Income Tax Audit/ Direct Tax related assignment/ Tax consultancy in Public sector Banks/ Financial Institutions/NBFCs/ HFCs/ PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies in the last 5 years as on 31.03.2022.
- 5. The CA/CMA firm should have its head office/ branch office in Delhi/ NCR.
- 6. Attach MSME Certificate, if any
- 7. Attach 8 other declarations/ undertakings (as specified in tender documents).
- 8. Financial Bids and Technical Bids should be kept in a separate sealed envelope.
- 9. Bid Security/EMD: Bidders other than MSME entities are required to submit
EMD of Rs.2500/- in the following bank account
Account Number: 00030350017801
IFSC Code: HDFC0000003
Branch Name & Address: B-3-4,
Suryakiran Building, 19 K G Marg, New
Pre-Audit of Bills of various offices under GSCSCL.
E-tender for providing Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant firms for Pre-Audit
work of GSCSCL Bills is publicly invited by the Managing Director GSCSCL, SECTER-10- A,”CH” ROAD Near-New Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar from the eligible registered CA firm for providing Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant at, the Gujarat State Civil Supply Corporation ltd Gandhinagar and its District offices.
Contact Details
Address : Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Phone : 079-23221037
Email : [email protected]
Eligibility Criteria
A. The firm should have average minimum annual Turnover more than Rs. 50 lacs (Fifty lacs) or more in last 3 years ended on 31st March 2022.
B. The firm should have been registered for a period of at least 15 Years.
C. There must be at least 5 CAs/Cost A/C in the firm. Out of which minimum 3 CAs/Cost A/C must be the partners of the firm.
D. If the CA / Cost Accountant is an employee of the CA firm/Cost Accountant Firm, then he must be associated with the firm as an employee for at least one year.
E. The firm must have undertaken audit assignment of at least 1 Listed Company in last 3 financial years completed on 31.03.2022.(i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21,2021-22) Or The Firm should have handled at least one any type of audit (e.g Internal Audit, pre audit, statutory audit or concurrent audit) during last 3 years of the Public enterprises, Authorities, organization which is mentioned in Annexure I,II,III
(category I or II) of the Resolution Finance Department of GOG Dated 16-09-2019 & dated 08/06/2020.
F. The firm should have at least 5 persons staff pertaining to audit and assurance work.
G. The Firm should have handled at least 3(Three) pre-audit/Internal audit assignments of GOG or GOI undertaking in last 3 financial years completed on 31.03.2022(i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21,2021-22) [Only those GOG or GOI or its undertaking, local bodies having turnover of Rs.50 crores and more will be considered.]
H. Firm’s registered office should be located in Gujarat and if registered office is not located in Gujarat then at least two full time branches should be functional in state of Gujarat for a minimum period of 3 years.