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About this Course
The overall objectives of the course on
Concurrent Audit of Bank are:
1. To supplement the effort of the banks in carrying out internal check of the transactions and other verifications and compliance with the procedures laid down;
2. To improve the effectiveness of concurrent audit system in banks
3. To improve quality and coverage of concurrent audit reports.
1. Register
Participants are required to register and make payment online and fill online registration form with Fee of Rs. 5,000/-(excluding 18% GST) from the Digital Learning Hub of ICAI They are required to submit correct required details. The Board is then required to verify the submitted details and send classes details to the participants on the registered email id.
2. Professional Training
The Classes may be viewed from the Digital Learning Hub of ICAI
Please click on Concurrent Audit of Banks and then click the launch button at the given time accordingly.
We may mention that the duration of the said classes is 11 days of 3 hours each day instructor led virtual training.
The total duration of virtual classes is 11 days from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM divided into 22 technical sessions (of 33 hrs) which may be held either on weekends or on three consecutive days.
Eligibility: A candidate will have to attend 80% of classes, i.e., 9 days’ classes, failing which, he/ she will not be entitled to appear in the evaluation.
Eligibility Requirement :
40 Marks for two Module Tests + 40 Marks for two Forensic Audit Report + 20 Marks for Research Paper & PPT (TOTAL- 100 Marks).
Candidates have to secure 50% marks in their Module Test and Project Work (i.e. 50 Marks in total out of 100) to get eligible for appearing in the Assessment Test. Hence passing the Module Tests and the Project Work is the precondition for appearing in the FAFD Assessment Test.
3. Assessment Test (AT)
Examination would be conducted on quarterly basis. The examination date and time would be informed to participants by the Board through e-mail.
CPE Hours
CPE credit of 30 Structured CPE Hours will be given to the participants after completion of the Course. However, it will be given on proportionate basis in case of less attendance.
Number of attempts: There is no limit on the permissible number of attempts for the evaluation tests.
Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2023 Edition)
1. Manual on Concurrent Audit of Banks Manual (Click to Download)
2. Early Signals of Fraud in Banking Sector Early Signals (Click to Download)
3. Compliances of Service Tax/GST in Banking Sector GST/ Service Taxes (Click to Download)
4. Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2022 Edition)
A. Foreword and Preface of Past Years (Click to Download)
B. Text of Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2022 Edition) (Click to Download)
C. Appendices of the Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2022 Edition)
Appendices of Section A – Statutory Central Audit of Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2022 Edition) (Click to Download)
Appendices of Section B – Bank Branch Audit of Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2022 Edition) (Click to Download)
D. Text of Relevant Master Circulars Issued by the RBI
List of Relevant Master Circulars Issued by the RBI(Click to Download)
Master Circulars(Click to Download)
E. Text of Relevant Master Directions Issued by the RBI
List of Relevant Master Directions Issued by RBI(Click to Download)
Master Directions(Click to Download)
F. Text of Relevant Notifications, FAQs and General Circulars
List of Relevant Notifications, FAQs and General Circulars (Click to Download)
Notifications, FAQs and General Circulars – Guidance Note on Audit of Banks (2022 Edition)(Click to Download)
G. Technical Guide
Technical Guide on Audit of Internal Financial Controls in Case of Public Sector Banks (Click to Download)
Technical Guide on Revised Formats of Long Form Audit Report (Click to Download)