C Issuance of Class-3 DSC
C Registration on Government e-Marketplace
C Registration on e-Procure
C First Time catalog creation (10 nos.)
J Manufacturers & service providers
J other entities and individuals who wish to trade with the Government
‰ Purchase of Plan
‰ Submission of documents
‰ Procurement of Class 3 DSC
‰ Registration on Government portal
Estimated Time – 3 days
, The documents needed shall depend on the service you need at a particular point of time. The same shall be communicated to you by our experts based on your requirements.
Ø Frequently Asked Questions.
Ø Why register on GeM?
Ø Registering on GeM has many benefits. We have listed the most important ones here:
Ø You get a direct door to supply goods and services to Government departments and officers
Ø Minimum marketing efforts needed
Ø Long waits and manpower to materialize government tenders will be eliminated as you will be directly contacted once you register and display your products
Ø Minimum compliance procedures
Ø Pricing can seasonally or occasionally be changed based on the market conditions with no interferences based on competition.
Ø Stay updated about government requirements and purchase plans
Ø Timely payment
Ø How does e-Procure work?
Ø The Central Public Procurement Portal (e-procure) helps the Central Government Organizations to post their Tender Enquiries, correct and Award Contracts. The primary objective of this portal is to provide a single point access to the information on requirements of various central government organizations.