
Professional Khata for Chartered Accountants

Exposing Fraud: The Rising Function of Detective Forensic Accounting

Just as the devil hides in the details, the reality of finances is often veiled behind the numbers. In our …Read More

Profile PhotoProkhata Admin03/10/2023

Constructing an Effective Framework for Assessing Fraud Risk: Best Practices and Insights

In the earlier #ForensicForesight article, we probed into the value of implementing a fraud risk assessment and its capacity to …Read More

Profile PhotoProkhata Admin03/10/2023

Navigating an Emerging Landscape: The Role of Fraud Risk Assessment in Forensic Work

As professionals in the field of fraud examination and forensic accounting, we understand that the process of detecting and investigating fraud can be both demanding and time-intensive. But what if there were a means to proactively stop fraud before it even begins? This is precisely where the practice of fraud risk assessment becomes essential.Read More

Profile PhotoProkhata Admin03/10/2023

Start Your Forensic Accounting Practice: Pathways to Excellence

Forensic accounting is now an indispensable tool in the battle against the growing menace of financial fraud. If you're looking for a challenging and rewarding career, starting a career in forensic accounting could be the perfect path for you.Read More

Profile PhotoProkhata Admin03/10/2023

What are all of the possible costs associated with becoming CISA certified in INDIA?

Costs to obtain and maintain an ISACA certification vary based on membership status and personal preference for study materials and …Read More

Profile PhotoRajat Agrawal17/08/2023