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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Virtual Classes of Certificate Course on FAFD conducted through Digital Learning Hub of ICAI

Pre-requisite for the Virtual Classes of Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection

1. Chartered Accountant with Active ICAI Membership

2. Laptop with good internet connection

3. MS Excel 2016 or above

4. Should have Active SSP Credentials to login in the Digital Learning Hub

Note: New batches are announced on 25th of every month at

Q1. I wish to enrol for Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection Virtual Classes.

Ans. The batches shall be announced at the Digital Leaning Hub (DLH) of ICAI
Members may enrol for the same by paying the requisite fees of Rs. 7000 + 18% GST and attend the classes through DLH of ICAI.

Q2. I don’t have my account on Digital Learning Hub or I have created an account but it is still pending at ICAI’s end for approval.

Ans. For any issues related to DLH i.e. login, account activation, password reset etc please write at [email protected]

Q3. I am interested to undertake the Online FAFD course. But I would like to have some introduction about the subject to have familiarities about the subject.


1. Course duration: 11 days divided into 4 hours daily Instructor-led Virtual sessions.

2. Fees: Rs. 7000+18% GST

3. E-Learning: Member need to undergo E-Learning of 17 hours and 30 minutes available at Digital Learning Hub of ICAI for free to all the Members before the commencement of the batch. Direct Link for eLearning:

4. Module tests: There will be online Module Tests (Total 2, each carrying 20 questions and 20 marks; Total: 40 marks) after completion of the course. The details will be shared through email with the participants.

5. Every Participant will have to submit of one Research paper (min. 10 pages) with PPT, two forensic investigation reports within two weeks after completion of the Course (60 Marks). The Topic along with other related guidelines will be provided by ICAI to the registered Members during the batch.

6. Final Assessment Test: An online final assessment test of 100 Marks will be held on quarterly basis

Q5. What is the Passing Requirement?

Passing Requirement

The Minimum Attendance Criteria is 90%.
40 Marks for two Module Tests + 40 Marks for two Forensic Investigation Reports + 20 Marks for Research Paper & PPT (TOTAL- 100 Marks)

Candidates have to secure 50% marks in their Module Test and Project Work (i.e. 50 Marks in total out of 100) to be eligible for appearing in the Assessment Test. Hence passing the Module Tests and the Project Work is a precondition for appearing in the FAFD Assessment Test.

100 marks for FAFD Assessment Test.
The minimum marks required for passing the FAFD Assessment Test is 50% i.e. 50 marks out of 100.

Q7. IDEA installation is asking Licence key. Please let me know the Licence key for installing IDEA

Ans. Please install Idea software. It is a demo setup. When asked for Key, just click on OK button and follow the instructions.

Q10. How much CPE will be given in this course?

Ans. Total 20 CPE hrs will be provided to the Members in two Phases.
Phase 1: 15 CPE hrs after completion of online classes with 90% attendance
Phase 2: Remaining 5 CPE hrs after passing the Final Assessment Test

Q11. How my attendance will be recorded.

Ans. The System keeps the records of the Members present online.

Q12. I am currently pursuing FAFD course but facing some technical issues. I have completed 2 modules of this course, but the system did not show it completed and the course percentage is increasing even after I watched it twice.

Ans. You may ignore this issue. The Percentage gets auto updated after completion of the course.


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