Table of Contents
ToggleCertification courses after CA:
ICAI provides a variety of certification course for its member to enhance their knowledge & expertise & to increase their growth opportunities. Here you will find useful information related to all the certification courses offered by ICAI :
Certification Courses for Members -
1. Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection (FAFD ICAI)
About the course
The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, recognizing the need for Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection, in the emerging economic scenario, has decided to launch this Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection.
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection specialisation is in increasing demand considering increasing incidents of cyber-crimes and frauds detection. It is the practice of utilizing accounting, auditing, CAATs/ Data Mining Tools, and investigative skills to detect fraud/ mistakes.
Course structure
Course Classes duration will be for 7 days (44 Hours) with a prerequisite to undergo E-Learning of 17.5 hours via https://learning.icai.org/committee/digital-insights/forensicaccounting-and-fraud-detectio-fafp-2019-l1/
2 Module tests will be conducted during the session. (20 Marks each- Total 40 marks)
Participant have to submit one Research paper, PPT, two forensic audit reports within two weeks after completion of the Course (60 Marks)
A final online assessment test of 100 Marks which will be held on quarterly basis.
40 Marks for two Module Tests + 40 Marks for two Forensic Audit Report + 20 Marks for Research Paper & PPT (TOTAL- 100 Marks)
Participant have to secure 50% marks in their Module Test and Project Work (i.e. 50 Marks in total out of 100) to get eligible for appearing in the FAFD Assessment Test. Hence passing of the FAFD Module Tests and the FAFD Project Work is the precondition for appearing in the FAFD Assessment Test
100 marks for FAFD Assessment Test
The minimum marks required for passing FAFD Assessment Test is 50% i.e. 50 marks out of 100
For more details about this course check our website at https://prokhata.com/product/fafd-mtp/
Also you can buy FAFD Mock Test Papers to practice selected question for your FAFD exams by clicking on following link:
Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection (FAFD) Quiz
Fees structure of FAFD certification course
Fees: Rs.14,000 + 18% GST
If you have any queries related to this course ask us on our doubt forum at
To register for this course click on the following link:
2. Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit of Banks
About the Concurrent Audit of Banks course
To supplement the effort of the banks in carrying out internal check of the transactions and other verifications and compliance with the procedures laid down, to improve the effectiveness of concurrent audit system in banks & to improve quality and coverage of concurrent audit reports, the Internal Audit Standards Board of the ICAI is pleased to offer Certificate Course on “Concurrent Audit of Banks”.
Process for Concurrent audit of bank certification course (CAB)
The Classes may be viewed from the Digital Learning Hub of ICAI https://learning.icai.org.
Please click on Concurrent Audit of Banks and then click the launch button at the given time accordingly.
We may mention that the duration of the said classes is 11 days of 3 hours each day instructor led virtual training.
The total duration of virtual classes is 11 days from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM divided into 22 technical sessions (of 33 hrs) which may be held either on weekends or on three consecutive days.
A candidate will have to attend 80% of classes, i.e., 9 days’ classes, failing which, he/ she will not be entitled to appear in the evaluation.
CAB Assessment tests (AT) would be conducted on quarterly basis. The examination date and time would be informed to participants by the Board through e-mail.
To practice selected question for CAB Assessment Tests you can buy our CAB Mock Test Paper from our website:
Concurrent Audit of Bank MTP
Fees structure
Fees : 5000 + 18% GST
To register to this course click on the following link:
About FATA ICAI course
This course is meant for the young brigade of upcoming analysts in the industry of share market, stock market and includes technical and basic of fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is a stock valuation methodology that uses financial and economic analysis to envisage the movement of Stock prices. The fundamental data that is analyzed could include a Company’s Financial Reports and Non-Financial information Such as estimates of its growth, demand for products sold by the Company, Industry Comparisons, Economy-wide changes, Changes in Government Policies etc.
There will be 2 papers of 80 marks each for Two hours at the end of the course. The examination will consist of 100% MCQs. A Passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in each paper & Project and 50% in the aggregate
Paper-1 Module1 to 9: 80 Marks
Paper-2 Module10 to18: 80 Marks
Project Case Study 40 Marks
Total 200 Marks
Fees structure for FATA ICAI course
FATA ICAI course fees: Rs.8,850/- [Rs.7,500/- (Course fee) + Rs.1350/- (18% GST)]
To register for FATA ICAI course click on the following link:
4. Certificate Course On Financial Markets And Securities Laws (FMSL)
About FMSL ICAI course
In the current scenario of information explosion, global linkages, quick responses and fast redundancies of data, products, businesses and services, it has become imperative for members to keep abreast of the challenges in the marketplace.
The objective of this Course is two-fold-on one hand it undertakes to help those members who are willing to make career as intermediaries in the financial markets and on the other, to increase the efficiency of the participants associated with the financial market and to enable them to keep pace with the changing environment.
Evaluation Pattern
There will be 2 papers of 80 marks each for two hours at the end of the course. The examination will consist of 100% MCQs. A Passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in each paper & Project and 50% in the aggregate.
Paper-1 Module1 to 7 80 Marks
Paper-2 Module10 to 14 80 Marks
Project Case Study 40 Marks
Total 200 Marks
FMSL ICAI Course Fee
Course fee of Certificate course on Certificate Course On Financial Markets And Securities Laws Rs.8,850/- [Rs.7,500/- (Course fee) + Rs.1350/- (18% GST)]
To register for FMSL ICAI course click on the following link:
5. Certificate Course on ADR (Arbitration, Mediation & Conciliation)
About course
The course is meant for the Members of the ICAI, who are desirous of consolidating their expertise and skills in Arbitration, Mediation & Conciliation and related areas to position them as multidisciplinary consultants in the global service market. The Course comprises of Nine Modules given at the link: http://www.icai.org/post.html?post_id=13253 dealing with varied and wide areas of Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation and practical aspects related thereto.
Course structure and evaluation
The duration of the Online Course through ICAI digital learning hub is up to 60 hours spread over 13 days. After the 13 days of intensive online training the participants are required to qualify the 3 hrs. Online Evaluation Test consisting of 100 MCQs to be held on the last day by obtaining minimum 50% mark for obtaining the Certificate. The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 shall be allowed to be referred during the evaluation test. Only the participants who have attained the minimum required 75% attendance shall be eligible to appear in the Online Evaluation test.
Fees structure
For FCAs: Rs.8260/- including GST ( Rs.7000/-fee + Rs.1260/- GST)
For ACAs: Rs.7080/- including GST ( Rs.6000/- fee + Rs.1080/- GST)
To register for this course click on the following link:
6. Certificate Course on Anti Money laundering Laws (Anti- Money Laundering Specialist)
About course
To closely work with the Government and help achieve its objectives in Prevention of Money Laundering, the Committee on Economic, Commercial Laws & Economic Advisory (CECL & EA) of the ICAI organises the Certificate Course on Anti Money Laundering Laws (Anti- Money Laundering Specialist) under its aegis, to equip the members in this niche area.
Course structure
The duration of the Course is up to 40 hours spread over 9 days.
After 8 days of intensive training, the participants are required to qualify the Online Evaluation Test by obtaining minimum 50% mark for obtaining the Certificate. Online Evaluation Test shall be for 3 hrs. & shall consist of 100 MCQs.
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 shall be allowed to be referred during the evaluation test. Only the participants who have attained the minimum required 75% attendance shall be eligible to appear in the Online Evaluation test.
Fees structure
Fees of the course : Rs.5000+18% GST
To register to this course click on the following link:
About course
The objectives of this Certificate Course is to understand the current regulatory framework of Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting, analyze disclosures made by Indian companies, assurance aspects and discuss best practices adopted.
Course structure
The course duration will be of 4 hours each for 5 days (including half an hour for Q&A each day.
Online Assessment Exam will be held within one month of completion of classes.
Question Paper Pattern:
60 MCQ of 1.5 marks each : 90 marks
1 case studies containing 5 MCQs of 2 marks : 10 marks
Total : 100 marks
Passing Criteria: The minimum marks required for passing is 50% i.e. 50 marks out of 100.
Fees structure
Fee: Rs.3,540/- (Rs.3,000 + 18% GST)
8. Certificate Course on Cooperatives
About course
The Professional Development Committee of the ICAI in order to promote good governance and best practices in the Cooperative Sector. The Committee conducts Certificate Course on Cooperatives to make the members competent in the field of Cooperatives. This Course is conducted at various locations throughout the country.
Course structure
Duration of the Course is 6 days (Generally on Saturday and Sunday) (9:30 AM to 5:30 PM)
Generally Evaluation Test is held within 2-3 weeks after completion of the classes.
Fees structure
Rs.8,000/- + 18% GST = Total Rs.9,440/- For young members (Meaning of Young Member for this purpose is “A Chartered Accountant up to the age of 30 years on 1st January of every calendar year”)
Rs.10,000 + 18% GST = Total Rs.11,800/- For other members
For registration form of this course click on the following link:
9. Certificate Course on Not for Profit Organizations
About course
The Professional Development Committee of the ICAI in order to promote good governance and best practices in the NPO Sector. The Committee conducts Certificate Course on Not for Profit Organizations to make the members competent in the field of NPO.
Course structure
Duration of the Course is 6 days (Generally on Saturday and Sunday) (9:30 AM to 5:30 PM)
Generally Evaluation Test is held within 2-3 weeks after completion of the classes.
Fees structure
Rs.8,000/- + 18% GST = Total Rs.9,440/- For young members (Meaning of Young Member for this purpose is “A Chartered Accountant up to the age of 30 years on 1st January of every calendar year”)
Rs.10,000 + 18% GST = Total Rs.11,800/- For other members
For registration form of this course click on the following link:
About course
The Committee on Financial Markets and Investors’ Protection is one of the Non-Standing Committees of the ICAI which conducts Certificate Course on Derivatives for professional development of members in this field. This course covers financial derivatives such as forward contracts, futures contracts, options, swaps and some other derivatives. It follows a pragmatic approach and covers both the derivative markets and the derivative products and their applications. The emphasis of the course is on successful execution of financial strategies to hedge risks, to speculate and to search for arbitrage opportunities. The course deals with market mechanism, pricing and application of derivative instruments along with accounting and taxation of derivative transactions. The course has multiple components apart from lecture sessions by the instructors.
Course structure
Classes will be for twenty days online virtual classes – 3 Hours each day.
There will be assessment Test of 100 marks for two hours at the end of the course. A paper will consist of 100 % multiple objective type questions. A passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in paper.
Fees structure
Course fee of Certificate course on Derivatives Rs.17,700/- [Rs.15,000/- (Course fee) + Rs.2700/- (18% GST)]
To register for this course click on the following link :
About course
The Committee on Capital Market and Investors Protection is one of the Non-Standing Committees of the ICAI which conducts Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management (FXTM) for professional development of members in this field. This course covers foreign exchange market, money market, bond market operations and related financial products. It therefore analyses the international finance environment within which banks, other intermediaries and companies operate and how it affects their operations in treasury. Sound treasury management utilizes the right financial products and tools for minimizing risk.
Course structure
Classes for FXTM will be for eleven days online virtual classes – 4 Hours each day
There will be 2 Papers of 100 marks each for three hours at the end of the course and one Project of 150 marks will be allotted during the classroom sessions. The paper will consist of 65% multiple objective type questions and 35% subjective type question. A passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in each paper and project and 50% in the aggregate.
Fees structure
Course fee of Certificate course on Forex and Treasury Management Rs.5,900/- [Rs.5,000/- (Course fee) + Rs.900/- (18% GST)]
Study material for FXTM course ICAI is available at following link:
To register for this course click on the following link:
12. Certificate Course on GST
About course
The Government has implemented the country’s most ambitious indirect tax reform i.e. Goods and Services Tax from 1st July 2017. With a view to enable the members to understand the nitty-gritty of this new law on GST, GST & Indirect Taxes Committee of the ICAI has introduced the Certificate Course on GST. The objective of this Course is to enhance the knowledge as well as to provide avenue to the members in the global service market. The participants are expected to have basic knowledge of the subject.
Course structure
Classes for FXTM will be for eleven days online virtual classes – 4 Hours each day
There will be 2 Papers of 100 marks each for three hours at the end of the course and one Project of 150 marks will be allotted during the classroom sessions. The paper will consist of 65% multiple objective type questions and 35% subjective type question. A passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in each paper and project and 50% in the aggregate.
Fees structure
Rs.14,000 plus GST for Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad and Jaipur
Rs.12,600 plus GST for other cities
[This Includes fees for the examination to be held immediately after completion of the Course]
For FAQs on GST Certification course click on following link:
To register for this course click on the following link:
13. Certificate Course on Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)
About course
The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, while appreciating the emerging diversities and complexities in the world of accounting and the need for knowledge of IFRS converged Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) is conducting Certificate Course on Ind AS ( Indian Accounting Standard) to get the members ready for proper implementation of IFRS-converged Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and to ensure that implementation of Ind AS is smooth and effective in the country.
Course structure
12 days Course Saturday & Sunday (9:30 AM to 5:30 PM)
Examination Form: Certificate Course on IND AS Examination Form is uploaded 30 days before the examination date and also email along with Examination Form is sent to all the eligible candidates.
Evaluation Test: Certificate Course on Ind AS Examination is conducted in every quarter i.e. March, June, September and December.
Fees structure
Course fees : Rs.21000/- + GST@ 18 % = Rs.24,780
Important links:
Sample Question papers for Certificate Course on Ind AS (India):
Sample Question papers for Certificate Course on Ind AS (Abroad):
Registration form ( Offline):
Registration link ( Online):
14. Certificate Course on Internal Audit
About course
Certificate Course on Internal Audit has been completely revamped by Internal Audit Standards Board, ICAI with new topics and heavy dose of information technology, being launched in a contemporary format to serve the needs of all stakeholders.
Course Objectives : The Certificate Course on Internal Audit has been designed to help the members-
Enhance the expertise of the Chartered Accountant in Internal Audit.
Build Governance, Risk and Compliance as one of their core competencies.
Help certified members to distinguish themselves from others conducting internal audits.
Course structure
The duration of the course is spread over E-learning, five days’ classes and report presentation, i.e.
- E-Learning: including module assessments.
- Class room sessions: 5 days classes, with a prerequisite to undergo E-Learning.
- Report presentation: In last classroom session.
E-learning Module assessments: 20 Marks for each 5 e-learning modules, i.e., total 100 marks. Participant is required to secure minimum 50% marks in this module test to be eligible for appearing in the Final Assessment Test.
Project presentation: Presentation of approximately 10 minutes of a Research paper/ report (10-20 pages of PPT) on the last class session (50 marks). Participants is required to secure minimum 50% marks in this Project Work (i.e. 75 marks in total out of 150) to get eligible for appearing in the Final Assessment Test.
Final Assessment Test: Mix of subjective and objective question of 100 marks.
There is no limit on permissible number of attempts for evaluation tests.
Fees structure
Course Fee: The fee for the course to be paid online is as follows | |||||||||
15. Certificate Course on Public Finance & Government Accounting
About course
The course will prepare the participants for the challenges and opportunities in the field of Public Finance and Government Accounting. The course covers important aspects of Public Finance and Government Accounting at Central, State and Local Bodies. Through cases, lectures and dynamic peer discussions, this course intends to equip the participants with an understanding of the Economic policies of the Government, Budgets, Fiscal tools, Government Grants, Public Funds, Rules, Regulations and Accounting Systems pertaining to Government departments/Institutions of Centre, State and local bodies.
Course structure
- Seven days’ classes (only on weekends – 6 hours in a day) will be held in case of class room batch.
- Fourteen days’ classes will be held (only on weekends – 3 hours in a day) will be held in case of online batch.
- 70% attendance in classes is mandatory for appearing in the exams.
The paper will consist of 100 MCQs (all questions mandatory). It will be Open Book Examination (OBE). Candidates have to secure minimum 50% marks to qualify the certificate course examination.
Fees structure
- Rs.12,390/- (Rs.10,500 + 18% GST) per participant-class room batch.
- Rs.5,900/- (Rs.5,000+ 18% GST) per participant- online batch – course fee for online batch can be paid through Digital Learning Platform of the ICAI, i.e.,
To register to this course click on the following link:
16. Certificate Course on Wealth Management and Financial Planning
About course
The objective of this Course is to equip the members with the principles of Management of Wealth as well as devising effective Investment Strategy and the practical procedural aspects and to build the competency level of the members of the Institute to position them as multidisciplinary financial consultants. This Course is intended at enlightening the members of the SMP segment & CA Firms.
The emphasis is on developing skill sets which would be required for advising clients to make sound financial decisions while practicing and serving clients in diverse practice areas as compliance, taxation etc.
Course structure
Course Sessions: 20 days (only in Saturdays and/or Sundays)
Fees structure
Course Fees : Rs.17,700/- (15000+18% GST) for Members of ICAI
For registration form of this course click on this link:
Information Systems Audit (ISA 3.0) – Video Lectures & Question Bank